reticular structure

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  1. The results show that the film surface morphology is reticular porous structure, at different time and termination voltage, there is large difference between membrane surface structure;
  2. Machine body: Features reticular tendon structure.
  3. The cage system of lymph nodes involves blood vessels, lymphatic vessels and reticular structure.
  4. When ABS content reaches 70%, a maximum value ( 90 kJ/ m~ 2) in the notched impact strength appears and at the same time, the phase state of ABS/ SPVC blending system presents a reticular structure.
  5. There was the negative relationship between the carrageenan viscosity with the temperature, the double-screw structure would be enlaced and formed by carrageenan from the irregular loop structure, and then the reticular structure would be formed with the temperature decreasing.
  6. SEM analysis results revealed that the SiC grains in porous SiC-cordierite ceramics distributed more closely and the section surface appeared as reticular structure.
  7. Among the superficial facial muscles there were not only fasciae but also aponeuroses. The muscles, fasciae and aponeuroses composed a three-dimensional reticular structure.
  8. Results The flow of renal columnar hypertrophy distribution was branching, both RI and PI were in normal range. Blood vessel of solid lesion of kidney lost the normal distribution and formed a reticular structure according to the size and shape of the mass.
  9. Further Study on the 3-dimensional Criss-crossed Reticular Structure of the Collagenous Fibers of the Corneal Stroma with Special Reference to the Elastic Fibers ⅰ. The LM, TEM and SEM Observations on the Rabbit Corneas
  10. Conclusion For swallowing disturbance due to false bulbar paralysis, acupuncture regulates mainly the cortex and the swallowing center of the reticular structure of brain stem to control swallowing reflection and coordinate motor of swallowing-related muscles;
  11. The nerve allograft maintains the reticular columnar structure and retains the basal lamina of Schwann cell and its main component lamin.
  12. The histological investigation of the cornea and sclera& on the 3-dimentional interwoven reticular structure of the collagenous fibers in the periphery of the cornea, the limbus and the anterior segment of the sclera
  13. At same time, thickening of nuclear membrane and chromatin reticular structure of tumor cell were discussed.
  14. In the male, haemocytes were developed in a reticular structure formed by boundary basement membrane which separated them from seminiferous tubules.
  15. The enhancement of the function of the parasympathetic nerves dominating the heart was the most direct factor forming the giant ortho-static T wave, and the central gray substance and reticular structure of the mesencephalon and the hippocampal sulcus and gyrus also played some part in the forming.
  16. Conclusion The transplantation of Schwann cells could promote the restore of injured brain stem reticular structure.
  17. RESULTS: ① Under the SEM, coating surface of HA was rough and uneven in surface, presented many pores and reticular structure. Pore area was about 30% to 40%.
  18. The ribbed spherical shell is one of the good prospects reticular structure.
  19. The TEM image shows that the shape of the AlN samples is reticular, and the size of the skeleton of the reticular structure is about 10~ 20 nm.
  20. A thick reticular structure containing collagen fibrils and devoid of cellular elements was observed by TEM.
  21. Objective to observe the expression of nitric oxide syhthetase ( NOS) and brainstem-reticular structure of rats with hyperglycemia.
  22. SEM showed that the reticular structure of GF was much denser than that of GS and OC.
  23. The silica-alumina framework in vitreous body exists not in reticular structure but in double tetrahedron island structure.
  24. The ultrafine reticular structure and changes of meshes after modification could be seen by SEM.
  25. Observation through scanning electron microscope revealed the confluence growth of epidermal cells on the surface of acellular small intestinal submucosa and its underneath reticular structure through intercellular spaces. 3.
  26. Histological anatomy observation through HE stain and Masson stain showed acellular small intestinal submucosa had a collagen fibrous and reticular structure, with no cell inside but a layer of cells on its surface.
  27. Acellular small intestinal submucosa was a three-dimensional reticular spatial structure with many pores, and no cell was found from inside.
  28. The essence of which is that the silicon dioxide sol produced through the reaction of water-solubility sodium silicate and sodium fluorosilicate is changed into silicon dioxide gel, and phosphoric acid supplies H+ to turn silicic acid into silicic acid gel so as to form reticular structure.